How does playing on slides help children’s growth?

How does playing on slides help children’s growth?


How does playing on slides help children’s growth?

-Nov 23, 2023-

Slides are crucial for children’s growth, play and learning. Providing some good game opportunities and environments is the most direct way to enable them to achieve the basic purposes of play and learning in the first stage of life. Through games, children can not only exercise physical fitness, develop motor skills, and increase their sense of balance and coordination, but also learn to communicate, stimulate potential, and improve cognitive and language skills during social activities. As the saying goes: “Seven sit and eight crawl.” After your baby can play, parents can take their baby to the children’s paradise in the spring season. On the one hand, it exercises the baby’s limbs and improves its ability to move; on the other hand, it allows the baby to observe the activities of the older child to stimulate the baby’s desire to play on the slide. Here are several methods:

1. Go down the slide with the help of an adult: When the baby can sit firmly independently, parents can take the baby to play on the slide. The father or mother holds the baby and sits on the slide, puts his hands on the baby’s armpits and slides down from top to bottom, saying: “Wow, the plane is flying.” When the baby has played a few times and gained experience, the parents only need to put the baby on the slide. Put it on the slide, the mother squats at the lower end of the slide, and the father stands beside the slide to watch over the baby and let the baby slide down by himself.

2. When the baby can stagger and walk, parents can take the baby to play on a low and gentle slide. The mother holds the baby’s armpits with both hands, helps the baby climb to the upper part of the slide, and encourages the baby to slide down (parents cannot hold the baby with force, and check whether both sides of the slide are smooth and whether there are stains before sliding).

3. The baby can play on the slide independently: When the baby can play on the tall slide, let the baby climb up the slide by himself and then slide down.

4. Play on the slides with peers: Parents take their babies to the children’s playground to play on the slides with their friends, to guide the baby to actively interact with peers and cultivate the quality of humility in the baby. You can also use encouraging words to induce the baby: “Baby, be good, let the little brother play first, okay?” If the baby performs particularly well when playing on the slide with its companions, parents can give the baby appropriate encouragement.



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